PropTech Unconference: defining the future of Spain’s real estate sector

Next October 23rd Madrid will host one of the most innovative events in the real estate sector in Spain, the PropTech Unconference. It is a private event that gathers the 100 CEOs of the main tech startups related to real estate along with the sector’s big companies in order to progress towards the complete digitalisation of the real estate market.

PropTech scene has grown a 120% in a year, and currently generates over 5,000 direct jobs. Startups related to this business area work to offer new business models that integrate disruptive technologies to speed processes, increase security and, ultimately, to bring real estate’s potential services closer to the client.

Colonial, leading company in Spain’s office market, will participate in the PropTech Unconference to analyse the sector’s current situation, trends and future challenges that faces one of the tech industries with better perspectives.

A conference without conferences: The Unconference innovation

The PropTech Unconference is born to build a new technologic and real state ecosystem through the collaboration between real estate main players by way of a specialized networking.

The main feature that distinguishes the PropTech Unconference from other events is that there are no conferences in the strict sense: all the assistants have a significant role and discuss with each other about the topics of interest chosen by themselves at the beginning of the event.

Furthermore, the exchange of ideas between representatives from traditional business models and startup CEOs fosters the creation of collaborations and innovative synergies that promote the sector’s renovation. According to data gathered by Finnovating, the 69% of startups already works along real estate traditional companies, and the 53% does it with 3 of them or more.

Colonial, digitalizing the office building market

Colonial will participate in the PropTech Unconference as a leader company in the integration of proptech systems in its office building portfolio.

All the buildings owned by Colonial, for instance, use the Smart Buildig System, which is a software developed by the company to ease these buildings management guaranteeing a sustainable energy consumption.

Likewise, Colonial collaborates with the startup Citibox in the implementation of smart mailboxes in some of the office buildings to help their users to collect their online purchases.

Finally, Colonial has recently signed an agreement with the main proptech startup accelerator Metaprop. To Carmina Ganyet, Colonial’s Corporate Managing Director, this agreement is «a step further» in the company’s commitment «to delve into innovation as the driving force for value generation to the shareholders. Thanks to this alliance, Colonial will be able to collaborate with the more than 25 proptech companies that belong to Metaprop.»

All the PropTech actions that introduces Colonial are meant to offer the best services to office users, making their lives much easier by contributing to their wellness.

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