Proptech: the real estate sector’s revolution

The outlook for the real estate sector is changing. The arrival of technology in the sector has made actions, such as visiting offices [Virtual tours] or switching on the building’s lights, become actions that are performed without having to move. All of this has been made possible thanks to Proptech, the technology adapted to the office and the real estate sector.

Proptech is the merging of property and technology. Proptech aims to improve the performance of the traditional real estate market by creating added value, thanks to combining the latest technology with traditional events. All of this represents a great step forward towards full efficiency of the sector, as it will allow us to know in detail the real estate market and improve the profitability of projects, resulting in advances such as the emergence of high-performance buildings.

What areas does Proptech encompass?

Proptech has come on strong and already makes real estate business models much more innovative and agile. Some of the areas and categories covered by Proptech are:

  • On-line property rental and sale.
  • Virtual reality in order to visit properties.
  • Big Data solutions adapted to this new concept in order to manage large volumes of information and therefore obtain a good strategic vision and competitive advantages.
  • Specific management software that facilitates property management.
  • Domotics for the monitoring and efficient management of facilities.
  • Crowd funding and collective investment platforms.

All of the above offers us a real estate sector adapted to the new technological times. Proptech has therefore become the first step to continuing the evolution of the sector.

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