Proptech, protagonist in the latest edition of the Barcelona Meeting Point

In October, the 21st edition of the Barcelona Meeting Point was held. This is the most important real estate exhibition in Spain which brings together the most important figures of the sector and presents the latest trends and innovations of the industry.

The PropTech concept, the technology applied to the real estate sector that is present from the construction phases to investment as well as financing, Big Data and automation, among others, was one of the main protagonists of the exhibition. Proptech aims to improve the performance of the traditional real estate market by creating added value, thanks to combining the latest technology with traditional events.

Barcelona Meeting Point’s Innovation Committee, comprised of a group of real estate and construction experts, highlighted the transformation that the sector is experiencing thanks to Proptech and how its recovery and professionalisation is being undertaken.

According to Carmina Ganyet, Corporate Managing Director of Inmobiliaria Colonial, the real estate sector cannot be oblivious to technological innovation or to changes in society. “This has been a very traditional sector with little technology, and now changes are taking place that will encourage the use of certain materials, reduce the construction period and thanks to data acquisition, we will be able to forecast future demand”.

Within the framework of the Congress, Aleix Valls, Senior Digital Advisor of Inmobiliaria Colonial, explained how the sector is gaining digital density. “Nowadays, 100% of the residential housing catalogue is digitised; however, thanks to big data and all the information provided to us by digital tools, new business models are emerging that are equipping this catalogue with transactional and buying and selling capacities, enabling greater transparency and the ability to offer more competitive prices”.

Also during the BMP, how the real estate sector has been affected by this technological revolution was studied. Rudy Mangino from We-Work was one of the prominent figures who examined the uses of Proptech and the new market trends.

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