Ortega y Gasset 100: the building that combines innovation and sustainability

Just in 2020, building construction was responsible for 36% of global energy consumption and 37% of energy-related CO2 emissions, according to a report published by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC).

In order to meet the goals set by the Paris Agreement, the global construction and building sector should be completely "decarbonised" by 2050.

At Colonial we are joining this challenge, we are constructing efficient buildings that are environmentally friendly.

Ortega y Gasset 100, located in the Salamanca district of Madrid, is a clear example of sustainable architecture. The building was designed with zero CO2 emission and has been completely refurbished. A flexible, dynamic space that responds to the needs of future jobs.

Eco-friendly offices

The modern style is visible on the façade, where the large windows provide natural light and recreate a warm and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for the development of professional activity.

All the building's installations are automated, ensuring the highest level of comfort and reducing both electricity and water consumption.

The building also has an innovative self-regulating lighting control system with the latest DALI II technology. Among other features, the building has the latest technology air conditioning systems that measure air quality, humidity and CO2 concentration.

Sustainable mobility is another of Colonial's commitments: going to work on foot, by public transport or scooter is becoming more and more common among employees, and Ortega y Gasset 100 responds to this need as it is in the centre of Madrid.

Ortega y Gasset 100 creates a healthy environment for employees while promoting the respect for the environment.

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