Office buildings committed to sustainability

Colonial’s guarantee, and its differential value, is to support a premium market, a strategic location and offer maximum sustainability in all of its properties. These premises characterise the company’s office buildings, and according to an article by the consultancy firm, EY, these requirements could start to become a prerequisite for all companies.

This article confirms that the office buildings located in the urban centres of Spain’s major cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, the Basque Country and Valencia, are the most desired places for entrepreneurs to establish their head offices. Therefore, in this competitive market, any distinguishing characteristic of the office building is key for entrepreneurs in choosing between one office and another.


Within these characteristics, sustainability is the factor that brings the most added value to office buildings, sustainability that exceeds obligatory certificates and seeks the least negative impact on the environment. According to the consultancy firm, the first objective of any office building that wants to highlight its sustainability is manage the territory, fight to conserve the green spaces and find a balance between urban spaces and ground destined for other use. There needs to be a balance between environment, location and orientation, to thereby make the most of the virtues of the land for the benefit of sustainability without harming the area where you are.

In this sense the materials used in office buildings are another factor to consider; it is important that they are biodegradable, have a minimal impact on the environment and that their manufacture has been completely sustainable. In all, sustainable construction is consolidated as an actual value of future impact decisively on investments and operations industry.


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