The new Santa Engracia, 120 in Madrid

The remodelling of the Santa Engracia building in Madrid is focused on modernisation in terms of both the building’s aesthetics and improvement of its facilities.
In the main foyer, the hall has been renovated to create a feeling of open space, with the latest materials and furniture being used at the front desk. In addition, the latest technology in the flooring, an automatic lighting system and a new access control system have been installed. This system, with a new design of turnstiles and improvements in the software, allows access through automatic doors with connection to the system of protection against fires and the possibility of connection to the security systems.
The third floor foyer has also been upgraded to provide more spaciousness, with refurbished materials including a pre-stressed canvas ceiling with lighting control.
The latest trends in design have been implemented to the toilet countertops, mirrors and lighting systems, giving a feeling of more space.
The six lift areas have also been replaced by the sector’s latest models.
Half of the third floor has undergone a spectacular reform, the window carpentry has been replaced with thermal bridge breakage windows, and the offices have had technical flooring and false ceilings with tilting opening systems installed.
All of the installations run through the false ceiling, leaving a free height between the false floor and false ceiling of 2.57 m. On this floor, a climate facility with four ducts has also been installed, allowing cold or hot air to be emitted simultaneously depending on the needs of the area.
Granite stone has been applied to the building’s facade in order to give continuity and to offer new commercial premises of 200 m2. Direct access has been enabled from the outside of the property.
El nuevo Santa Engracia, 120 en Madrid
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