A new concept of office: Ortega y Gasset, 100 in Madrid

"It is only possible to move forward when you look away. Progress is only possible when you think big". This reflection by the Madrid philosopher is the starting point for the proposal for the Ortega y Gasset building, 100 in Madrid. A project that combines in a differential way all the technical advances in sustainability, with the fusion of the building in a unique urban context in the heart of Madrid. Functionality, environment, personality, the building meets all the requirements to make your stay at work, a new way of life.

Do you want to know more? We tell you...

An attractive environment full of possibilities

The 7-storey building with 7,792 m2 has been renovated to achieve maximum professional functionality, not only through spacious, comfortable, multi-purpose and innovative facilities, but also through its excellent location in the Salamanca district. Its enclave in the heart of a business district with the best communications and services; as well as its access to a neighbourhood that offers the best restaurants, shops, parks and sports facilities, makes it possible to reconcile personal and working life in the best possible way, since users can easily plan their day thanks to the mobility and access to public and private transport that the building offers.

It is the small details of the surroundings, such as the wide range of cuisine that blends the tradition of traditional tascas with the most avant-garde cuisine in renowned restaurants, that will ensure that meetings with clients and after-work with colleagues acquire nuances that provide more personalisation and warmth when it comes to establishing personal relationships. In addition, the nearby parks and landscaped areas provide the rest and relaxation needed for sports within walking distance of the office. Activities that are even more important today, building employee loyalty and increasing the attraction of talent, two fundamental issues for the organization and growth of a company.

This new philosophy of wellness in the workplace brings energy and character to the identity of the brands present in it, communicating professional tradition, social and environmental responsibility and interacting with the urban environment from day one.

Technology and sustainability at its best

In addition, the architecture present in the building presents an evolution of space. A singular facade full of originality and modernity that offers the entrance of natural light through large windows and balanced, warm and functional rooms, which generate inspiring and stylish spaces.  From the marvellous views of the Madrid horizon provided by its large corporate terrace, to the maximum environmental quality of its facilities, which have green energy and reduced carbon footprint, automated external air and state-of-the-art air conditioning systems through the optimisation and control of energy consumption; the building has been designed, in short, to stand out, both on the outside and on the inside.

Do not miss the video presentation of the building on the new website of Ortega y Gasset, 100 and get ready for the new future of offices.

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