The new Vía Augusta, 21

Aware of the importance of adapting the features of its office buildings to the needs of its tenants, Colonial has renovated the building located at Calle Vía Augusta, 21 in Barcelona.

The interior of this open-plan office building, which is situated in one of the most commercial areas of the city, has been renovated and the work has already been completed.


Se ha llevado a cabo una remodelación integral del vestíbulo: nuevo revestimiento en paredes; y una iluminación LED más potenciada para conseguir una estética más actual y una mejora de la eficiencia energética. Adaptando así Vía Augusta, 21 a las cualidades sostenibles de los edificios de Colonial.

Una de las mejoras más vistosas del edificio ha sido la instalación de un muro tipo moss wall en el acceso desde la calle, un elemento de diseño innovador acorde con la modernización del edificio.


An integral remodelling of the lobby has been carried out: new wall cladding, enhanced LED lighting for a more up-to-date aesthetic and an improvement in energy efficiency, therefore adapting Vía Augusta, 21 to the sustainable qualities of Colonial buildings.

One of the most attractive improvements to the building was the installation of a moss wall in the entrance, an element of innovative design in line with modernisation of the building.

This new trend of interior design introduces nature in a natural way and offers a fresher image to space.

These reforms reveal the constant development of Colonial’s buildings; the buildings are reformed with the aim of improving their premium characteristics and reflecting the prime level of the company’s portfolio, which thanks to this path of progress is constantly being revalued.

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