Cómo nace la identidad de un edificio. Discovery building

Around its buildings, Colonial builds a sustained guarantee on the added values offered by the company’s properties. These values form a business model with a concrete investment strategy that take the form of Prime Factory acquisitions.

This type of property is much more than a building; they have their own personality and identity that characterises them as unique and individual. But, how is the identity of a building born? How was the Discovery Building born? What’s behind its logo and name?

Before an identity lays a product, in this case a large and notable building; and why does it exist? What makes the Estébanez Calderón building stand out? The answer lies in its strategic architecture.

And after its architecture? Ideas; good ideas generate things, songs, works of art, etc; and when they materialise, they create emotions and sensations. This was the beginning of the Discovery Building: the sensations that it generates.

The Discovery Building wants its tenants to feel that the building is alive when they observe the façade, cross the entrance and step into the vestibule. This novelty and this desire to discover the building’s novelty originates from the name, Discovery Building.

The logo originates from the most representative face of the building, the most differentiated, its façade. The façade is a grid that creates a series of shapes that give rise to a symbol that seals the building.

In addition to its impressive facade, Discovery is much more, it is a living building and it is when this logo takes us to a terrain of sensations, because Discovery provokes sensations. Therefore the materials used to construct Discovery are very characteristic and detailed and are a must-see.

If we mix materials and detail, microphotography comes into play. This is a process that allows us to observe the material photographed from an ultra-increased point of view that offers unimaginable textures. A result that gives rise to works of art built on what is being felt, touched and seen in the building.


Thus was born the Discovery Building, its logo and its stamp of micro-photographed materials. A name that transmits curiosity to discover the unknown, a logo that suggests the elegance of the architecture of its facade and a characteristic seal that finishes closing the identity of Discovery, teaching in detail the materials used for its construction.

The digital identity of the Discovery Building and its entire creative process has been created by the study of brand design and communication strategies, Virgen-Extra.

Good ideas are felt.

They breathe. They touch. They are enjoyed.

They are seen from a distance.

And they are even more enjoyable in their proximity.

Good ideas are different from the known.

They are better, ambitious and almost eternal.

They arouse desire and optimism.

Good ideas are sometimes details.

And sometimes they are great. Huge.

They can be viewed from Google maps.

Or, much better, walk in them personally.

And discover all the sensations that they offer you.


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