Modernisation and 100% occupation of López de Hoyos, 35

The property located on the central Madrid street, López de Hoyos, 35, has been remodelled in order to adapt its characteristics to the companies situated in this building. This recent renovation and its existing premium character have resulted in the property reaching 100% occupation.

The new building stands out for the foyer’s modernisation; this renovated style has also been applied to the foyers of certain floors and communal areas.
The revolving door of the entrance has been replaced by double doors and the front desk is much more modern and functional.

Other refurbishments carried out include replacing the flooring and improving the air conditioning and lighting. In the offices recently rented by a well-known, multi-national company in the e-commerce sector, new technical flooring, a metallic ceiling and LED luminaries have been installed, as well as the doors being replaced and the toilets being refurbished. This space, which until now has been available, has been completely refurbished.


Just like in Castellana, 52, José Abascal 56 and Francisco Silvela, 42, in López de Hoyos the parking levels have been reformed with a similar brand image to that applied in the foyers and communal areas.

A bicycle parking space has been installed and the possibility of adapting garage spaces for electric vehicles has been evaluated.

From an aesthetic point of view, the decoration has been modernised in search of greater functionality and with the purpose of contributing a more modern feel to the building according to the latest trends in interior design.


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