The many facets of the Salamanca district in Madrid

If we were to talk about neighbourhoods in Madrid, without a doubt, Salamanca would always be one of the first to be named. Located in the capital's centre, it is one of the most emblematic and popular places today, both to live in and to find offices.

Salamanca: an ideal link for professional and personal life

Often, the neighbourhoods of large cities are separated into 'living neighbourhoods', which have everything necessary to carry out daily life in them, and 'working neighbourhoods', in which there are many office buildings and facilities for the day to day of the workers. That said, the authentic appeal of Salamanca lies in its ability to unite daily life with the business world that surrounds it.

Aristocratic origin, prime future

Within Salamanca, there is an area defined by the people of Madrid as the Golden Mile: a series of streets with buildings of aristocratic origin that are the ideal place for the headquarters of many companies.

Within this urban ecosystem, 86d Velázquez defines itself as a prime executive experience: a building that is more than just a workplace. It is a space that has the user's well-being as its objective, as well as design and elegance.

Modernity and neighbourhood personality

Colonial's commitment to the Salamanca area is extensive and is designed for all types of companies. In addition to offering premium offices, it also enhances the characteristics of a 'living neighbourhood'.

One of the clearest examples is Ortega y Gasset 100: a modern and sustainable building located in the most residential area of ​​Salamanca that integrates into the daily life of its streets.

Undoubtedly, the unique personality of Salamanca endows it with enough benefits for companies to want to look for their headquarters in it, since it offers professionals the advantage of working in a premium office area but also includes elements typical of a neighbourhood with a rich past.

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