Madnum: combining comfort and productivity

Theories about work performance have changed in recent years. Until recently, the conception was that a very comfortable work environment promoted excessive relaxation and passivity at work. Today we know that this is not true: spaces based on taking care of the worker's experience, oriented to comfort and integration, boost individual productivity and consequently give a significant boost to the performance of organizations. Under this new premise Madnum was born, a smart city in Madrid that will inevitably become a national reference for new work trends. A hub brought from the future.

Madnum is human

Organizations are no longer perceived as independent abstract entities, but as the sum of human effort and cooperation. Companies are people. There is no longer any doubt about that. And those people need to occupy spaces that allow them to develop their full potential. In this sense, Madnum has been designed with a radical human-centric approach, one that favors the implementation of flex-office working methods, that favors human connection, that drenches people in light and that contributes to individual well-being through open spaces, vegetation and privileged views of the city.

In addition, Madnum features a central plaza with a variety of dining and entertainment options. Even the simplest and most rewarding of actions, mere relaxed contemplation, is motivated by landscaped areas, plant walls, aromatic plants that attract pollinating species and nesting boxes for birds. It is a living environment. One in which the worker is not thinking about returning home to continue his life because he is already living in a desirable way. That irremediably influences their motivation, their energy and their sense of purpose, all key elements for their commitment to the company and their performance.

Madnum is flexibility

Another characteristic of the contemporary work environment is the need for versatility. Reality changes very quickly and companies require flexible solutions with which to adapt to new circumstances. Madnum, designed by the architectural firm Lamela Arquitectos, offers companies 56,000 square meters of corporate and flexible offices with a wide variety of spaces and, very importantly and in line with what we pointed out, with great variability for these spaces. In this way, companies have the opportunity to configure their environments and create offices that meet each of their needs.

On the other hand, part of Madnum's space is managed by the flex offices company Utopicus, which takes these concepts of flexibility and changing organizational models to the next level. In this sense, both organizations and professionals have the opportunity to operate from exclusive, agile, personalized and highly technological spaces. The idea of the complex is very clear: to bring to the present the offices of the future in which professionals are not necessarily tied to a desk but move along it with their electronic devices to continue operating at ease from the desired corner. This is Colonial DNA.

Madnum is awareness

Companies that are at the forefront, those that are a few steps ahead, have already gone through this dual awareness process in which work-life balance and sustainability become part of their primary objectives. The complex, as we have been pointing out, is a paradigm of personal-professional conciliation and integration. But what about sustainability? A lot: there are three office buildings with almost zero energy consumption, with priority use of renewable energies, installation of air quality meters, energy efficiency systems and designs aimed at reducing the carbon footprint.

In addition, a major effort has been made to bring native biodiversity back to the city center. Thus, all the plants on the office terraces, in the courtyard gardens or around the internal living quarters are native to the region, encouraging a responsible impulse for nature. This, in turn, attracts insects, birds and animals that are usually associated with these types of plants, which is an unparalleled boost to urban biodiversity to date. Madnum, an office space for companies that want to lead the paradigm shift. The space in which tomorrow is projected.

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