Location: a key factor

We recently wrote about the importance of office design for companies and how the layout of elements, the orientation of windows, the presence or not of plants, the inclusion or not of energy-efficient systems or the use of natural materials could affect both the well-being of workers and the productivity of organizations as a whole. But when selecting an office building as a workplace, another fundamental aspect must be taken into account: its location in purely geographical terms and in terms of accessibility and availability of resources. Let's analyze its degree of influence.

Brand image again

In that other blog post we began by pointing out the relevance of office design to a company's brand image, and this time it is appropriate to do the same. After all, location says a lot about the status of an organization: offices located in one of the most important business areas of one of the most active cities in the country convey a sense of quality and power, something that does not happen when the offices are located far from the main activity. This conditioning occurs in workers, clients and society in general. It is therefore essential to find an ideal location where you are a good fit.

Talent retention

Good professional talent generally has a greater margin of decision as to which companies in a given sector to work for. That's why companies have to be meticulous about what they offer in order to be chosen. In this sense, the location of the offices is a crucial factor, as it determines how easy or difficult it is to get to the workplace, the beauty of the environment in which they operate, the commercial and other resources available nearby and, ultimately, the work experience. Well-located offices, with plenty of connections and the right context, can be decisive in whether talent joins a business project or decides to stay.

Environmental care

The quest for sustainability is not a minor objective. In fact, more and more companies are investing resources in gradually reducing their carbon footprint and contributing to curbing global warming. Office equipment is crucial in this regard, as modern facilities with energy-efficient systems, solar panels and other sustainable technologies have a profound influence. But so does the location, since offices that are too far away from urban centers or have poor public transport connections do not help employees and managers to save energy and emissions. On the contrary, they intensify pollution.

A better work-life balance

The environment surrounding the office building in which a company operates influences the degree of work-life balance of its employees. Factors such as the availability of nearby restaurants, sports facilities or commercial businesses determine the extent to which employees can switch from professional needs to personal needs at the end of the working day or even during breaks. It marks in a remarkable way the level of disconnection desired. Diagonal 532, like many of Colonial's other office buildings located in the Prime CBD area of Barcelona, is a perfect example of a building integrated into an active, dynamic and resourceful area. An unbeatable environment.

Access to new opportunities

The world is hyperconnected through different digital tools, but presence is still very valuable in the formation of links, including professional ones. In that sense, offices located in a city hub, with many more organizations operating there, provide access to better business opportunities for companies. Synergies are much more likely to arise. Cooperation. Goals are more likely to be synchronized. After all, visibility plays a major role. Location and design. Design and location. The two pillars of the choice of an office building. A decision that deserves reflection.


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