Inmotics at the office

Thanks to the application of technology in the real estate sector ─what is known as Proptech─ office buildings are offering to their users some services that enhance its daily management. The building automation, or inmotics, would be part of this technological revolution: it is the group of applications that allow to automatize and digitally control the operability of a building.

It has become increasingly common that different companies seek to settle in office buildings that have this kind of services. To ease the daily management of an office directly affects the employees’ wellbeing by having influence over their performance, so the company’s production increases and, ultimately, the benefits generated are higher. Thus, both large corporations and startups wish to settle in office buildings that, from its optimum performance, foster sustainability, energy efficiency and workers’ comfort.

Benefits produced by the use of inmotics at the office

Inmotics at the office can be applied in several ways, generating different kinds of benefits.

Energy savings: An effective management of the power supplies in an office building entails an important saving to the company and contributes to environmental sustainability. Inmotic technological applications enable several features of the building to be automatically adjusted: room lighting and conditioning, for example, are regulated according to elements such as the amount of natural light available, the outdoor temperature or the number of people sharing the space at that moment.

Security: Another of the benefits produced by the use of inmotics at the office is that it allows to immediately identify any failure in the building systems that signifies a risk to its users. From a short-circuit to a leak in a pipe, inmotics applications activate alert mechanisms for the workers could take appropriate measures right away.

Confort: Before Proptech burst in the real estate sector, any situation or technical incident occurred in an office building took several days to be solved. However, digital transformation has optimized processes digital transformation has optimized processes so that all decisions can be made in real time and from any mobile device, thus speeding up its management and improving its resolution.

Smart Building System

Energy saving, safety and comfort are priorities to Colonial. For this reason, for some time now, several office buildings of the company have been provided with inmotic applications. Precisely, the Smart Building System software developed by Colonial aims at an efficient, fast and intelligent management and supervision of different aspects of office buildings.

Colonial estimates that, at the beginning of 2019, this inmotic software of smart management will be operative in the entire portfolio of Colonial properties in Madrid and Barcelona. Besides, Colonial’s Smart Building System has been recently recognized by the jury of the Netexplo Change Awards as one of the three best innovative business initiatives in the Digital Innovation field in Spain.

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