How to reduce the presence of plastic in your office

Environmental awareness is now essential in all aspects of life and offices are no different. Recycling, energy-saving and responsible consumption are issues to consider if we wish to preserve the planet and to stop climate change.

Making your office a sustainable environment  will enable you to reduce energy consumption, to use resources more efficiently and to generate less polluting waste.

One of the most problematic forms of polluting waste is plastic. According to Greenpeace Spain, 12.7 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Given that plastic takes from 400 to 1,000 years to decompose fully, the need to find a solution to this problem is even more pressing.

Have you ever stopped to think how you could reduce the presence of plastic in your office? It is, after all, the place where you spend most time during the day and reducing consumption is important everywhere.

  • The first and most basic thing is to separate rubbish properly. Plastic, glass, paper and organic waste should be discarded in different places.
  • If you have lunch at the office, take it in a glass or stainless steel lunch box. As well as reducing plastic consumption, your health will also benefit. Glass conserves foods better and is easier to clean.
  • Coffee capsules are a genuine problem. Replace them with reusable capsules.
  • Is there a water fountain at your office? Stop using plastic cups and start using a glass bottle or aluminium container, which are more convenient and pollute less.
  • Printing pollutes. Ink cartridges and toners are highly polluting items. Using rechargeable cartridges, being careful when selecting what you need to print and recycling waste from the printer are things you should bear in mind.

Remember. Before throwing something away, try to reuse it! Do not forget the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. That plastic bottle you were going to throw away could well be put to another use.

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