How to make your office a productive space

The arrangement of the furniture, the colour of the walls, the decoration, etc. are the factors that influence productivity in an office. Colonial offers its tenants the possibility of adapting flexible spaces to the objectives of each company and/or office in order to satisfy their personal needs.

Despite the existence of certain corporate decoration trends, small gestures can be made to help boost employee productivity:

1. Incorporate nature into the workspace. Adding plants, moss walls and vertical gardens helps to improve productivity levels. Plants minimise stress levels and enhance tranquillity and serenity in people, as well as offering a warmer atmosphere that encourages concentration. However, these elements must be included with caution as excessive use of plants may have the opposite effect.


2. The offices’s chromatic range. Colours help to promote different emotions and feelings in people. According to the psychology of colour, blues and greens foster concentration and therefore worker productivity.

3. Flexible spaces. Having solutions to distribute space according to specific needs also helps to optimise productivity. Provisional separations such as partitions are a good way to divide space when you need to have individual areas or make larger spaces when you prefer to work in a team.

4. Give freedom to individual spaces. Each office or company is governed by a series of rules that can sometimes have an effect when it comes to decorating work spaces. However, offering the worker freedom to give a personal touch to their own space will increase their satisfaction and they will feel more comfortable with the environment around them; these factors also help to improve motivation and personal satisfaction when working, and therefore productivity.

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