How to gain quality of life in your office

Well-being in the office has become key in maintaining employee satisfaction. According to a CBRE study, 80% of employees said that well-being in the office is key to staying or opting for a different job position. This statement underlines the trend on the importance of space to attract and retain talent.

This new trend in the sector is reflected in Colonial’s activities in the prime segment; office buildings with high quality features and services located in the main business areas of cities, for example the Ciutat de Granada project. The largest office building in Barcelona with nine floors was already 40% pre-rented thanks to an agreement between Colonial and Schibsted. This international group has affirmed the suitability of this space to reinforce the company itself as an excellent place to work, and demonstrate its commitment to the well-being of its employees.

The choice of space adds to the benefits of selecting the right decoration, which includes the furniture, the decorative elements and the colour of the walls. Accordingly, the internet portal, Inmodiairo, confirms that including natural elements to spaces helps to reduce stress and increase employee positivity.


Also, colour is a source of emotions depending on the shade chosen. There are companies specialised in colour as mentioned by Inmodiairo; these companies perform studies and according to the chosen colour, the space offers a different effect. This methodology can be applied to all types of interiors and lifestyles.

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