How to create a sustainable office

At Colonial we have long been committed to the sustainability of the office buildings. For this reason we carry out important work in the field of energy efficiency and we ensure the functioning of the offices in the long-term market.

If you are looking for a sustainable office, take a look at our building portfolio and take note of a few simple tips to make your workspace friendlier to the planet.


Use of public transport

Locate your office in the city centre. This way you will encourage your employees to use public transport, or even walk. This means a great saving in CO2 emissions for the planet through using public transport.


Respect the environment

Another factor to keep in mind is that the office building is respectful to the environment; that it has green areas, vertical gardens, green roofs, etc. This contributes to the environmental stability of the area.

The Sant Cugat Nord building is an example of Colonial’s commitment to the environment. This building is part of the "protection of nature in the immediate environment" programme. The Sant Cugat sustainable building houses a Butterfly Reserve with the aim of providing food and a sustainable habitat to the different species that inhabit this refuge.



Many people ask themselves ‘how can I recycle in the office?’. It's very simple. And once we have the habit, it will cost us no effort. First of all, use recycled paper, recycle the paper you have, and if possible, digitise documents so you do not have to use paper.

You can also recycle printer ink cartridges, or place bins to separate waste and recycle it later.

Replace plastic cups in the office with ceramic mugs or glasses that can be reused on other occasions.


Save on supplies

One of the main added values that will differentiate your office are the sustainability certificates.

In this field, the Bream seal is the world’s leading sustainable building certification. It is a certificate that authenticates that the office buildings use energy and water saving systems, eco-materials, that they are environmentally friendly, and use efficiently space and resources.


Colonial has a strong commitment to sustainability. So much so that 38% of its buildings have been certified as “Very Good” and the remaining 62% have been certified as “Good” according to the Breeam certification system.

The obtainment of these certificates endorses Colonial’s work in efficiency.

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