How to choose your office furniture

In recent years, the design of workspace has become more and more important. So much so that the design of an office has also become a hallmark of the company and gives it differential value.

Decoration, furniture and the environment surrounding the office awaken the creativity and inspiration of those who work there. Likewise, it is proven that an attractive workspace, leads to loyalty of internal talent and favours the productivity of its employees.

After several years of betting on diaphanous and undivided offices, there is now a debate about whether these designs are as functional as they seem. The new trends are focused on modular spaces. Walls and movable partitions can be a good choice to limit these workspaces based on the needs of workers.

A sustainable office also depends on the materials you choose for your furniture. Wood is the ideal raw material for tables, shelves, and auxiliary furniture. The advances in 3D printing have fostered the development of chairs adapted to the physical activity of the employee, favouring their body position in the office and reducing back pain. Similarly, tables with adjustable heights also allow the employee to change his posture during the working day.

Light is another fundamental aspect to take into account in the design of the workspace. Sustainable offices use low-consumption LED bulbs which are only used when there is no daylight.

Another trend in office design is the installation of interior vertical gardens when there are no nearby windows with views and through which natural light can enter.

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