How to choose your ideal office

One of the pillars for the good functioning of a company lies in selecting a great place to set up your offices. Before choosing an office, it is important to define the needs of your business and employees, and take into account a number of factors.
Here at Colonial, we wanted to highlight the 4 key points to consider when searching for offices:


The areas preferred by businesses are in the Prime districts and the city centres.
Similarly, a great value added for employees is having their place of work close to public transport and in areas with commercial activity.

Accessibility to the office

It is also vital to consider how day to day life will be for employees.
Think about factors such as access to the building and mobility within it during the working day. Know, for example, how to access the different floors, how to access the building from the car park or if there is a place to store bicycles.


A building with a sustainability certificate is a differential value.
For employees, it is a very important factor when being linked to where they work and improving the vision they have of their company.
The 38% of Colonial’s buildings have been rated as "Very Good" and 62% have been deemed "Good" according to the Breeam certification.

Occupancy ratio

It is important to take into account the number of current and potential employees that your company can have. It is important to define the areas of work and how many employees there will be in each place. When choosing, it is advantageous to look for a place that allows growth and adaptation capacity.
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