How to build human-centric offices

Thinking about the impact that the different spaces of an office will have on its employees has become essential to consider when searching for one since they are the true inhabitants of companies. Currently, the well-being of users is almost a leitmotif when looking for workspaces.

At Colonial, based on the "human-centric model", we solve this need by creating spaces where people become the center of everything, thus helping companies understand that greater employee well-being not only helps people be healthier but also increases productivity, creativity and, at the same time, reduces the chances of brain drain.

A building that connects with people

Our Diagonal 532 asset is created to promote positive synergy among its inhabitants. Located on Avenida Diagonal in Barcelona, ​​the building offers flexible, open, changing, technological spaces with an innovative and elegant design.

Diagonal 532 has nine exterior and diaphanous floors, with work areas and other areas more focused on meetings and presentations. But not only that: among the most outstanding points of the building we find its terraces, where employees can regain energy during breaks and at the same time enjoy the city from an extraordinary perspective.

Prime location

Another factor that influences the health and well-being of users is location. For this reason, Diagonal 532 is located on Avenida Diagonal, one of the most important commercial hubs in Barcelona. Its excellent location means that communications with El Prat airport and Sants station are fast, making these offices the perfect enclave to establish a company's headquarters. 

Different bus and metro lines facilitate access to Diagonal 532 from anywhere in the city. The asset also has ample parking spaces for cars.

In addition, users will also be able to enjoy everything that their surroundings offer: boutiques, restaurants, gyms, green areas, etc.

Well-being and sustainability: indivisible binomial

Employees who work in a sustainable building tend to have a better mood and disposition for work. Diagonal 532 is a building 100% committed to the planet that counts with two BREEAM certifications.

These certifications confirm the high degree of environmental sustainability of the building, guaranteeing the reduction of the negative impact of the property on the environment, as well as greater comfort and health for users.

In short, Diagonal 532 is a new office model that takes into account all the current needs of companies and workers and that, following Colonial's philosophy, seeks to take care of people and the environment.

We invite you to discover the property on its website to learn all the details of the human-centric philosophy.

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