Home office, the new trend in the labour market

Nowadays, offices are increasingly flexible. When it comes to project and design a new office building, factors that a few years ago were never considered are now taken into account, like all those elements designed to achieve employees’ wellness and thus increase their work productivity. In many modern offices, for instance, employees do not have an assigned table, their schedule is flexible and they can work from home when needed.

It is proven that this business strategy can increase a company’s productivity by 20%, because it evaluates results more than the time employees spend at the office. That is why modern offices want to promote employees’ satisfaction and wellness by designing a workspace that reminds the household atmosphere.

What does a home office workspace look like? The Window Building

A modern office takes care of lightning, climatology or design to favour productivity. In addition to that, in a home office workspaces are diaphanous and multifunctional, there are recreational and rest spaces and green areas where you can disconnect.

The new office building by Colonial, The Window, includes all these features. The building, located in Príncipe de Vergara 112, has been projected to invite its users to imagine, think and create, thus contributing to lead digital transformation of the office market in Spain.

A month before its opening, this office building surface has already been pre-let by 80%. Utopicus, the reference coworking company, will occupy three floors to promote a new workspace concept. Utopicus designs innovative and functional workspaces that foster collaborative work and the practice of new business methodologies.

Colonial, innovation leader in the office market

Thanks to new construction projects like the office building The Window, Colonial leads and promotes the market of sustainable offices in Spain. The real estate company has in its portfolio 55 buildings distinguished with sustainable energy certificates ─such as BREEAM and LEED─ and moves towards the transformation of the traditional office model into an efficient, innovative and technologically connected one that helps the employee to feel like home. Discovery Building has been the last building in Colonial’s real estate assets portfolio to be granted with the sustainable certificate LEED Platinum.

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