Glass windows as a tool for wellbeing

Between 1999 and 2006, one of the most iconic buildings in Barcelona's skyline was built in the Plaça del Gas, in the Barceloneta district: the Torre Marenostrum, designed by architects Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliablue. 

Because Torre Marenostrum is unique. Among other things because of its structure: it consists of three glass buildings that are assembled to each other by a very particular volumetry that causes the building to look totally different depending on the angle from which you look at it. A phenomenon in which the glass cladding throughout the building plays a key role.

The benefits of the windows

The glass windows are one of the most characteristic solutions of the Marenostrum Tower. One of the main reasons why it is so eye-catching. Their presence in the 22 floors of the building generates a reflective deformation, responsible for the multiperspective that can be enjoyed. The key to the tower's aesthetic avant-gardism. However, the fact that the building's 88 meters in height are glazed provides many other benefits, this time to the users who occupy and participate in its interior, as noted by the users of each of the companies that rent the Utopicus office spaces, owned by Colonial, available in Building B. These are the highlights:

Permanent entry of natural light

Natural light has positive effects on people's physical and mental health. An office open to the world through glass in the walls contributes to a decrease in workers' eye fatigue and promotes their overall visual health. In addition, it has been proven through scientific studies that exposure to sunlight boosts cognitive and creative performance, benefiting both the individual worker's experience and the company itself. Finally, again on a scientific basis, natural lighting is known to reduce symptoms of depression and other psychological conditions such as stress or anxiety.

Spectacular panoramic view of the city

Torre Marenostrum is not a revolutionary building because of its disruptive nature. Quite the contrary: its changing volumetry and its windows, which connect the interior of the building with the exterior, reflect the city's personality, making the tower a revolutionary building precisely because of its incredible harmony with its surroundings. Located very close to the beach, with a 360º view that includes both the city and the blue Mediterranean Sea, Colonial's offices in Marenostrum give users a deep sense of connection with the world. With its gardens. With its streets. With its mountains. And this produces relaxation.

Sustainability based on energy savings

The search for real estate sustainability is key in our relationship with buildings. Torre Marenostrum is no exception. That is why during our remodeling we have implemented solutions to reduce energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as the installation of the Building Management System and the replacement of natural gas with electricity from 100% renewable energy.

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