Facility Manager in the offices

With the rise of increasingly technological and connected corporate head offices, the need to hire a new professional profile in office buildings has grown: the Facility Manager.

This professional is responsible for ensuring the correct functioning of everything that surrounds the workspace, be it an office building, a co-working space or a production floor. In other words, the Facility Manager is a manager of the infrastructures of the company, of the people that make it up and of the organisation.

According to the IFMA (International Facility Management Association) the good work of a Facility Manager could lead to a 20% to 30% saving in company costs and increase the company’s profits at year-end by 8%.

The Facility Manager’s tasks

The tasks of a Facility Manager include coordinating the construction, renovation and relocation projects of an office, as well as the contracting of all products and services related to the proper functioning of the facilities: conservation and maintenance, cleaning, reception, catering, security, etc.

Additionally, the Facility Manager is responsible for creating pleasant and comfortable work spaces, which gives rise to greater employee productivity, a retention of internal talent and an increase in the desire to belong to the company.


Aware of the need for this professional profile and committed to its desire to preserve and improve the operation and management of its properties, Inmobiliaria Colonial has a Facility Manager in all office buildings that make up the company's office portfolio.

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