Energy efficiency trends in office buildings

The energy efficiency of office buildings is an essential consideration when choosing a workspace. Having an office in an environmentally sustainable building in which there is a commitment to energy savings is a byword for success and wellbeing.

Among other aspects, the future of office buildings simply involves making renewable energies the energy base in order to reduce costs and consumption to a minimum, connecting spaces and improving the quality of the air breathed in the workspace.

To do this, the trends prompting change in the office sector should be followed.

1. Lighting. Make full use of natural light. Architects are increasingly designing buildings in which natural light is a key feature. Using this natural resource not only reduces energy costs, but also helps users to enjoy better health.

2. Technology. Home automation is essential in this process of change. Automating everyday aspects of the office such as turning lights on or off or regulating temperature, not only facilitates day-to-day routine, but also helps to improve energy efficiency and to prevent the waste of resources.

3. Air quality. Good air quality inside the office is essential for users to enjoy the space. There are now filtering systems that can improve air quality considerably. At Colonial we are committed to this initiative and work with Aire Limpio, a company devoted to improving air quality. Its filtering system substantially improves air quality inside buildings and thus improves users’ wellbeing.

The careful combination of all these elements, plus the materials and processes used in the building’s construction (such as façades with insulation featuring interior air circulation, solar panels, the use of luminescent cements and bricks for better ventilation), will place your building at the forefront of energy efficiency. 

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