The Discovery Building obtains the LEED Platinum certification

The Discovery Building, Colonial’s new Prime Factory office building located on Madrid’s Paseo de la Castellana, has just obtained the LEED Platinum certification. This certification guarantees the company’s commitment and responsibility to the environment and certifies that the Discovery Building is energy-efficient.

The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is a voluntary, independent and international evaluation method for buildings and its objective is to reduce the construction industry’s environmental impact.

The parameters that are evaluated in a building that wants to obtain the LEED certification are: the sustainable development of the plot’s free space, water consumption efficiency, energy efficiency, the use of alternative energies, the improvement of the interior's environmental quality, the selection of materials and waste management in construction. Based on these parameters, a score is obtained which determines the certification that the building will receive.

LEED Certification: buildings that obtain between 40 and 49 points.

LEED Silver: between 50 and 59 points.

LEED Gold: between 60 and 79 points.

LEED Platinum: 80 points or more.

In its evaluation, the Discovery Building obtained the LEED Platinum certification, the highest certification for sustainability and commitment to the environment that a building can obtain.

Advantages to the LEED certification for an office building

An office building like the Discovery Building that has achieved the LEED Platinum certification, reduces energy consumption by 30% to 50% when compared to traditional buildings, which leads to a decrease in company costs.

It reduces the impact of construction on the environment while the property is being built and once the work is completed. Buildings with the LEED certification reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment and the waste generated.

Opting for offices with the LEED certification improves the image of the company and reinforces the values of commitment to the company’s surroundings. These certifications also help to retain internal talent and increase the employees’ desire to remain in the company since values respecting the environment are increasingly established and employees look for companies committed to sustainability.

Lastly, LEED certifications increase the occupants’ productivity and improve their quality of life and health since these buildings have been designed to make offices a healthy workplace.

Office buildings with LEED certification have higher rental rates than the other conventional buildings because of the numerous benefits offered to tenants, property users and the environment. The Discovery Building is a great option for companies committed to the environment and which are looking for offices in one of the most important business areas of Madrid. Please visit the Discovery Building website for more information.

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