Diagonal 525: an international benchmark for its architecture and design

Diagonal 525 is an example of technological and sustainable innovation that currently houses outstanding corporate headquarters.

Located within the Prime CBD area of Barcelona, its old construction from the 1970s was originally intended for housing. Thus, the Sanzpont architecture studio was responsible for transforming the use of the building from housing to offices and its design through the concept of sustainable renovation.

Technological and sustainable innovation

The execution of the building was carried out with materials of strict respect for the environment and a comprehensive environmental quality management plan. An example is its main facade, which consists of large glass windows that provide natural light, defined with Krion 3D photocatalytic models, which have the ability to purify the air of pollutants. In addition, the project was developed using the latest BIM cloud technology, which allowed the entire construction process to be digitized. All this led to the Diagonal 525 asset being awarded the prestigious LEED Gold certification, which certifies that it was built in a sustainable manner.

Awards and recognitions

The asset has also been awarded 10 international architecture awards for outstanding excellence and innovation in its architecture and design, the most recent being the Archframe Design Awards (2022).

In 2021 it received the following awards:

  • London International Creative Competition 
  • Global Future Design Awards 
  • TAC World Design Awards 
  • Muse Design Awards in the categories of Building Renovation y Office Building Design (New York, USA) 
  • Rethinking the Future Global Architecture Design Awards (New Delhi, India) 
  • Novum Design Awards (Helsinki, Finland) 

Additionally, it received honorable mentions at the IDA Design Awards (Los Angeles, USA) and the Outstanding Property Award (London, UK).

Thanks to its eco-responsible design and its architecture, Diagonal 525 can be considered a benchmark building on the national and international scene.

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