The coworking revolution, a new way of working?

A few years ago, offices were all alike. They had one or more working areas ─divided according to the company’s needs─, several manager offices, a few meeting rooms, an office and not much more. This traditional office model represented a certain way to work, with a fix schedule and routine tasks. However, now the labour market is undergoing a change of trend, mainly caused by the development of new technologies. Desktop computers have been replaced by laptops, on-site meetings are now telematic and every time is more frequent to save documents on the cloud rather than in the company’s server.

This new way of working requires a new workspace: hence the rise of coworking. Working in a shared office is not only a freelance stuff anymore; SMEs have also leapt into coworking spaces to benefit from all its services. Coworking workspaces are much more than offices where to share a desk with other companies’ employees: they are authentic inspirational centres in which sustainability integrates with cutting-edge technology. Many of these coworking offices offer lots of additional services to cover all its users’ needs, so their working hours will become a unique experience.

Moreover, this kind of offices are usually located in strategic key points of the main cities around the world. It is the case of the new coworking space that Utopicus, reference company of this type of workspaces in Spain, will open in the next few weeks in Colonial’s office building The Window, in Príncipe de Vergara 112. Utopicus, focused in creating resources for talented people, will occupy three floors of The Window to generate projects that add value to society. Utopicus will also offer its services to the rest of the users of the building, which is already pre-let at 80%.

Colonial’s investee coworking company finalises the details of the opening of a new collaborative workspace in the office building Ciutat de Granada ─also property of Colonial─ in 22@ District ─Barcelona’s innovation hub that hosts large TIC corporations. With the arrival of corporations like King and Schibsted, Ciutat de Granada’s occupation currently achieves an 84% rate.

This way Colonial, real estate leader in the commercialisation of office rental buildings, bets on innovation, digitalisation and on a labour model for the future. ¡Coworking revolution is already here!

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