Competitive advantages of the BREEAM certificate

The BREEAM certificate determines a building’s level of sustainability and the economic, environmental and social benefits that it has for the people linked to the life cycle of that building.

The BREEAM certificate evaluates various characteristics defined in the different construction phases of a building; from the design and its projection, through to the choice of materials and the conditioning and maintenance of the building.

Both the LEED and BREEAM seals are voluntary certifications that go beyond mandatory regulations. However, companies that select offices with these seals demonstrate commitment to the environment.

What are the advantages of an office with the BREEAM seal?

  • Reduces energy consumption by 30% to 40% compared to an office building that only complies with the mandatory regulations in force. Additionally, CO2 emissions are estimated to be between 36% and 40% less.
  • Possession of these certificates contributes to an increase in the demand for the building, offering benefits for the lessor and for the user of the property.
  • Greater enjoyment of the property thanks to improved climate comfort. This, in turn, results in a decrease in employee absences and an increase in their productivity in a pleasant building.
  • Since these certificates are independent, they improve society’s perception of the company and its commitment to corporate social responsibility policies regarding the environment.

True to its commitment to sustainability, Inmobiliaria Colonial has 4 offices in its portfolio with the LEED certificate, and 31 with the BREEAM certificate.

More information on Belbex "Competitive advantages and techniques for environmental certification"

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