Colonial + Utopicus: There is nothing more positive than building together

'There is nothing more positive than building together’; this is the motto that served as the guiding thread for The Window Building Presentation that took place on March 28.

The event was designed to disclose the new building to the public and counted with the participation of the well-known scientific communicator, Silvia Leal, which presented her lecture “Towards a 4.0 ecosystem". During her speech, Leal showed the attendees how the adaptation to new forms of work is essential in order to workers and businesses to achieve success.

Right after the presentation, Juanma Ortega, Commercial and Investment Director of Colonial, along with Rafa de Ramón, CEO of Utopicus, delivered a brief talk in which they spoke about how the synergy between Colonial and Utopicus allows the creation of spaces like The Window Building.

The three speakers concurred that the cooperation between Utopicus and Colonial during this project was a success, and highlighted the addition of flexible workspaces and corporate offices. The relationship was said to generate new synergies and innovative work ecosystems that will be reproduced eventually in more Colonial properties, both in Madrid and Barcelona.

Ultimately, it was a morning of approaching clients and partners with the innovation and the corporate culture in which Colonial and Utopicus had worked hand in hand, along with the support of Cushman & Wakefield, the agency that is in charge of the commercialization of the building, that has already achieved an occupation of 90%.

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