Colonial joins the #GivingTuesday global initiative with the #SolidarityBuilding project

This year Colonial has joined the #GivingTuesday solidarity, which is celebrated around the world on 29 November, with the #SolidarityBuilding project.

This way, Colonial collaborates with the awareness and promotion of #GivingTuesday as a solidarity-based alternative to other commercial initiatives such as #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday and therefore promotes values such as solidarity, commitment and sustainability.

From Monday 28 November to Friday 2 December, the Sant Cugat, Diagonal 609-615, Diagonal 682, Llacuna and Torre BCN buildings in Barcelona; and Paseo de Recoletos, José Abascal 56, Castellana 52, Alfonso XII and Francisco Silvela, 42 buildings in Madrid will host volunteers of #GivingTuesday in the buildings’ foyers who will encourage tenants of the Colonial buildings to participate in solidarity activities.

#GivingTuesday is a platform that advocates the global movement of the same name. It is a non–profit initiative that promotes solidarity between people, organisations and businesses. In Spain, #GivingTuesday functions as a meeting point for all collaborators, businesses and individuals who want to publicise their solidarity activities.

The Company has prepared a series of informative materials with which it invites you to experience the “incomparable sensation of giving”, through financial donations, time, food, blood or any other type.

Colonial is positioned through these social activities as a Company that has sustainable and accessible buildings, and now also solidarity buildings.

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