Colonial, at the forefront of the real estate innovation thanks to an agreement with Metaprop

Technology and innovation have invaded for so many years all the industrial sectors, proposing solutions to enhance user’s experience and, at the same time, reducing costs in management, production and maintenance.

The real state sector was not going to be less, hence the birth of the concept of Proptech. PropTech are all those startups that have developed innovative solutions that add value to the real estate industry. Inside this ecosystem there is Metaprop, the worldwide leader in the investment and acceleration of this kind of startups. Colonial, leader company in the office letting market, has reached a collaboration agreement with Metaprop that will allow the company to become the first European sponsor of Metaprop’s acceleration programmes.

Founded in 2015 and settled in Manhattan, Metaprop acceleration programmes help successful projects to grow and consolidate: MetaProp’s team and venture capital funds have invested in 90+ technology companies, which have raised more than $2 billion and employ 1,500+ people around the world. The hospitality service company Airbnb, the preconstruction network BuildingConnect, the real estate digital agency Crexi or the flame detector manufacturer Sense-Ware are projects promoted by Metaprop.

Thanks to the agreement signed with Metaprop, Colonial will have access to all the firm’s acceleration programmes, and it will be able to collaborate with the more than 25 startups from all over the world that Metaprop selects annually. This way, Colonial will be up to date on all the initiatives in progress around the world with an impact on the real estate sector.

The agreement with Metaprop comes after the acquisition in October 2017 of a majority shareholding of Utopicus, the reference coworking company in Spain. Utopicus will open a new coworking space in The Window Building in the next few weeks, and will offer its innovative services to all of the building’s residents and users: open workspaces to promote networking, recreational and cultural activities, ongoing workshops or yoga and mindfulness sessions, among others.

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