Colonial, distinguished at the BREEAM 2019 awards for the sustainable management of its portfolio

On March 4th, Colonial received the GRESB / BREEAM 'Responsible Investor' prize a yearly award granted by the BREEAM entity. This prize reaffirms the company's commitment with the sustainable management of its buildings.

This recognition rewards the work that Colonial has been doing since the approval of the General Environmental Policy in 2014, which has allowed 91% of current buildings to be environmentally certified.

The BREEAM certification assesses the environmental impact in 10 categories: management, health and well-being, energy, transport, water, materials, waste, ecological use of soil, pollution and innovation. Once evaluated, a score is given that, along with the Technical Manual of the methodology, helps building in a more sustainable way not only during the design phase, but also during the execution and maintenance phases.

Environmental cataloguing is one of the differential elements of Colonial's DNA. This element, as well as other factors such as the central location of a large part of the portfolio (75% of the buildings are located in the CBD area), the quality of the finishes and a high value service component, along with the incorporation of innovative initiatives in the field of the Proptech and the coexistence with flexible offices offering (contributed by Utopicus), make Colonial's portfolio unique. All these factors are key to achieve high occupancy rates that translate into a 96% average between Madrid, Barcelona and Paris.

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