#cloud.paris (SFL) fully let


Four months after it was delivered, marketing of the #cloud.paris business centre in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris by SFL has been completed with one of the world's leading cosmetics and fragrance groups set to move into the last remaining 3,000-square metre unit.

In July 2016, the new tenant will be moving in alongside the other blue-chip companies that have chosen #cloud.paris: Exane (finance), BlaBlaCar (digital) and one of the leading participants in the global net economy. This transaction provides a further demonstration of SFL’s ability to design and develop high quality working space for leading companies operating in a wide range of sectors.

Dimitri Boulte, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of SFL, commented: “As our clients reinvent themselves and gear their organisations to dealing with new challenges, they are choosing offices that will contribute to their teams' well-being and performance. We are responding to these new demands by designing real estate products that are more than just a matter of floorspace or a line in an expense budget. Our new generation buildings stimulate creativeness, motivation and teamwork, making client organisations more efficient and therefore more productive.”

Aude Grant, Deputy Managing Director, Asset Management and Investment, added: “Since the start of the year, we have signed leases with first class tenants on some 10,500 square metres of office space in eight transactions in Paris's Central Business District. The market is currently very dynamic and we are uniquely positioned to benefit from the capital's renewed appeal, thanks to our high quality portfolio and the work undertaken in recent years to make our properties even more attractive."

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