Choosing the best co-working space

Co-working is one of the best formulas for the self-employed, entrepreneurs, creators of start-ups or freelancers who prefer to work in an environment similar to that of an office than work from home. Choosing the best co-working space is not an easy task, it must meet a series of requirements and must be adapted to work preferences and needs. Here we present a series of fundamental factors to be taken into account when choosing the best co-working space.

Factors to be taken into account when choosing the best co-working space

The facilities: One of the most important factors to consider before opting for one co-working space over another is the workspace and its facilities. In this regard, it is important to assess the quality of the individual spaces and the existence of meeting rooms to receive customers. The decoration, lighting, use of plants, comfort of the chairs and internet connection are other variables to consider when choosing the best co-working space.

Environment: It is common to find co-working spaces specialised in employment sectors. Therefore, it is important to value those that have a community of workers with which is it possible to create work synergies. Co-working spaces are a great scenario for promoting networking.

Events and training: Many co-working spaces organise training workshops for co-workers as well as work and social events that mark the style and true identity of the work space and also improve the relationship between co-working users to create a great work environment.

Opening times and location: Considering a strategic location is very important as this saves time in moving around and makes it easier to manage meetings with customers and suppliers.

Colonial’s property portfolio also includes co-working spaces. The options presented below are located in Madrid; however new spaces are expected to be opened in Barcelona.

In the Chamberí neighbourhood, and very close to the Sorolla Museum, we find a co-working space spread over seven floors in the Castellana 43 building. Owned by Wework, this shared work space has cosy lounges, elegant conference rooms and private offices. At Castellana 43 it is common for professional and social events to be held to help foster a good environment among co-workers.

In the Alfonso XII office building and within the Triangle of Art, we can find Spaces Atocha. A shared work space of more than 3,000m2, with 5 meeting rooms and more than 150 individual work spaces.

Lastly, The Window building located at Calle Príncipe de Vergara, 112, in which the company Utopicus pre-rented 3,800m2 and where it will create a co-working space over three floors. The Window is the only new office building to be launched in the CBD during 2018. An iconic property that stands out for its landscaped terraces on different levels, its lighting and the choice of avant-garde materials in its construction.

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