Castellana 52 obtains the ISO certification for its Environmental Management System

Following its policy of minimising the environmental impact, Inmobiliaria Colonial continues with a firm step towards obtaining the environmental certification for all of its assets. In this regard, Colonial has obtained the ISO 14001 certification in Environmental Management Systems for the Castellana 52 building in Madrid, adding to the certification obtained for the Barcelona head office (Avinguda Diagonal, 532).

The main objective of Colonial’s Environmental Management System is to ensure compliance with current environmental legislation and the company’s own integrated (energy and environmental) management policy, which includes commitment to continuous improvement. It is this energy management that has become an increasingly important part of business management, especially in the real estate sector, and its main objective is efficient satisfaction of energy demand with the lowest possible economic and environmental cost.

What is the ISO 14001 certification?

The ISO 14001 certification is an internationally accepted standard that establishes how an efficient Environmental Management System must be implemented. The standard was designed to manage the delicate balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the environmental impact

Colonial has always been an organisation committed to the environment, society and our customers. For this reason we have decided to implement an Environmental Management System that enables us to manage environmental aspects and the energy consumed in our business activities, while ensuring continuous monitoring of the energy aspects of our organisation and the direct and indirect aspects that influence in environmental management.

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