BREEAM Certificates, the importance of sustainability in new offices

Nowadays office sustainability is a determining point when choosing a workspace. A space that is considerable with the environment, makes a respectful use of the resources, has a good waste management or takes into account the welfare and health of those who will occupy it, are some of the aspects to take into account when choosing an office.

However, how do you know if an office meets all the sustainable aspects that you are looking for? The BREEAM certificate (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) is especially designed to answer this question.

The BREEAM certification system is developed by the BRE Global organization in the United Kingdom and although it initially served as an evaluator of buildings for commercial and residential use, it has subsequently evolved to evaluate all types of buildings.

The objective of BREEAM is to help the evaluated buildings comply with four specific objectives: reduce the overall impact of urbanism, recognize projects and communities for their environmental benefits, grant a credible label for urban planning focused on sustainability, and stimulate demand by ensuring the development of sustainable communities.

What is your methodology?

In order to certificate, BREEAM uses a methodology based on checklists that allow the elements to be measured (either during the project stage or during construction) based on previously established requirements.

Once the verification is done, a score is assigned based on group categories that provide information about the objectives that the evaluated building can achieve in each category. Once all the categories are estimated, all results are summed to give a global score.

The final classification divides the buildings according to 5 levels of sustainability: Correct, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Exceptional.

Colonial, aware of the importance of building and adapting buildings to comply with the precepts of sustainability, invests in the sustainable certification of its asset portfolio. The company has a portfolio with 91% environmental certification, which has earned it international recognitions such as the Gresb / BREEAM award it received last March.

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