Biophilic design: a commitment to well-being

We lead an increasingly urban life. Surrounded by tall buildings and roads, we spend close to 90% of our time indoors, according to data from the US Environmental Protection Agency, which has a strong impact on our quality of life. Because, as warned by the World Health Organization in its report Green and Blue Spaces and Mental Health, contact with nature is fundamental to our physical and mental health.

In this context, biophilic design makes sense, a discipline that seeks to incorporate elements of nature into cities and buildings in order to enhance that reconnection with the natural environment, while also reclaiming urban spaces as hubs for conservation and promotion of biodiversity.

Offices are one of those spaces where we spend a significant part of our day. That's why, at Colonial and Utopicus, we have been implementing a biodiversity strategy in our buildings for years.

Continuing with our commitment to guide you towards a more sustainable activity, in this article, we address biophilia as one of the indicators we will delve into in 2024 and which have a positive impact on your business.


How does biophilia influence well-being?

The relationship between biodiversity and quality of life should not be underestimated. Working in green spaces has countless benefits.

It's been proven that working in contact with nature keeps us refreshed and connected to what we do. By increasing oxygen levels, it improves our concentration and motivation, so we not only feel better but also achieve better results.

Furthermore, beyond feeling good, it helps take care of our health. The air we breathe is of higher quality, reducing our blood pressure and mitigating the risk of psychological disorders such as anxiety, stress, or depression.

Personas sentadas en una mesa

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Biophilic design at Utopicus Paseo de la Habana 


And in the environment? 

Biophilic design doesn't solely entail introducing plants into buildings without considering their characteristics. After all, ecosystems rely on delicate balances that must be respected.

This is one of the principles we follow when designing our office buildings, selecting locally sourced vegetation of high ecological quality that also takes advantage of the potential for local birds and insects to spread.

In this way, we achieve:

  • Reducing desertification and the urban heat island effect, which are common in urban environments.

  • Enriching habitats and protecting threatened species, such as pollinators, which are crucial for the planet.

Rosa canina Pistacia terebinthus, Retama sphaerocarpa, Quercus coccifera, Rhamnus alaternus, Lavandula stoechas o Rosmarinus officinalis, these are some of the most common species in our buildings.  


Biophilic design at Colonial and Utopicus 

Our goal is to create a mosaic of green spaces among all the properties in our portfolio, increasing the natural infrastructure of cities so that wildlife can move and access their vital resources.

For example, we include vegetation in our buildings in various ways: some, like Francisco Silvela 42, feature a green wall of over 30 m2 on the facade; others, like Diagonal 532 or Ciutat de Granada 150, have spacious terraces and common areas with up to 2,500 plants; and others, like Utopicus Paseo de la Habana, incorporate vegetation in the interior common areas.

We also create favorable environments for birds and pollinating species with insect hotels and shelters, or nesting areas, as in Torre Marenostrum or Don Ramón de la Cruz 82.

Imagen que contiene exterior, pajarera, pequeño, pájaro

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Insect hotel at Utopicus The Window Building 


These measures directly translate into the quality of life of the users of our buildings while ensuring a more responsible activity with the surrounding environment. Because living in a more sustainable world involves building new models of work based on respect for the well-being of employees and the care of the environment.

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