Be Art has a winner: Sergio Femar's proposal will shine in the hall of Miguel Ángel 23

At the beginning of the year, and with the will to promote the transformation of the traditional office model, we announced the five finalists of the first call for the Be Art contest to encourage the integration of works of art in offices.

At Colonial we firmly believe that a good work environment fosters productivity and creativity. For this reason, offices that, in addition to combining technology and sustainability, integrate works of art, will provide added value to companies that wish to settle in them.

The first edition of the Be Art plastic arts contest, launched in collaboration with Gärna Art Gallery and Porcelanosa, aimed to create a ceramic mural for access to one of Colonial´s office buildings in Madrid, Miguel Ángel 23.

'El espacio habitado’, a ceramic mural that vindicates the circular economy

The Miguel Ángel 23 office building is synonymous with sustainability, innovation, and well-being; therefore, the participants had to create proposals inspired by these concepts.

Of the five finalists, it was the painter and sculptor Sergio Femar who convinced the jury with his proposal 'El espacio habitado'. 'Inhabiting, embodying and invading space through the work' is the starting point of this piece that gives new life to materials discarded by the chain of social consumption. In Sergio Femar's productions we are used to finding recycled fabrics, reconstituted wood or discarded debris as testimony to a model of sustainability that is increasingly compromised by the system. 'El espacio habitado' is, in short, a denunciation of consumption habits that must change if we want to reverse the current situation of our planet.

Promoting the talent of young emerging artists

Thanks to the success of the first call, Be Art has established itself as an excellent opportunity to support the professional careers of young emerging artists.

On this occasion, we wanted to highlight the talent of four promising young people, who together with Sergio Femar have competed to represent the characteristics that converge in the Miguel Ángel 23 office building: sustainability, energy efficiency, technology, and innovation.

We thank Cova Ríos, Elisa Crespo Barredo, Teresa J. Cuevas and Zuloark School for participating in this edition and we wish them a future full of success.

Initiatives such as Be Art contribute to providing companies with representative headquarters where employees can live experiences in an enriching work environment, with maximum comfort.

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