Art in offices


With the adoption of new work models, the concept of the traditional office has changed and gives way to new work spaces that are centred around people who focus on creativity, recruiting new talent and the productivity of employees.

There are many companies that incorporate works of art into their offices not only as an additional element of decoration, but also as stimulating motivation for employee creativity.

In addition to encouraging innovation, exposure to art and culture in the office has many more advantages for employees and for the company itself. Here are just a few:

  • Art in the office creates more attractive work spaces and reduces stress, improves the mood and quality of life of all occupants.
  • In addition to creating a stimulating work environment, art in the office influences the company’s retention of talent.
  • The new work models promote more flexible work environments that allow work lives and private lives to be combined. Art creates more welcoming environments and makes it more enjoyable for employees to work from the office than from home.
  • It improves the brand image and helps to transmit the values​of the company. For example, initiatives relating to the promotion of art and culture have significant weight in Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes.

More and more companies are beginning to incorporate art into their work environments in line with their Wellness strategies. Incorporating art leads to well-being for employees and can positively influence creativity and work productivity.

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