The areas most demanded by entrepreneurs for their offices

The big European capital cities are the focus for entrepreneurs who want to open their head offices within European territory. But which cities do entrepreneurs prefer? Which areas are most demanded in these cities?

Within Europe, France, the UK, Germany and Spain are some of the countries where the demand for offices is pronounced. Within these countries there are cities that see a greater demand in offices for business head offices.

The World Office Forum has published results from a survey which states that citizens in Paris and London, the cities with the most commercial activity in France and England, prefer to work in the urban centre and give priority to the time they invest in getting to work or access to public transport. This article highlights that Colonial, within its prime strategy, has 15 out of its 20 Parisian office buildings within the central areas favoured by Parisians.


This outstanding location of the Colonial buildings is one of the prerequisites of the company’s offer as leading real estate agent in the premium sector. Therefore, its buildings in Spain are divided between Madrid and Barcelona; cities that are home to many large companies’ head offices, and meet the expectations and requirements of the entrepreneurs interested in opening their head offices in the Iberian Peninsula.  

In the centre of the Spanish capital city stands the Paseo de la Castellana, and along with the surrounding streets, is one of the most requested business areas. Colonial responds to this demand with buildings located on the Paseo de la Castellana, Calle José Abascal and Calle Serrano. In addition, one of the most recent projects, the Discovery Building located on the north axis of La Castellana, will help Colonial to further expand the prime portfolio and meet the needs of its tenants.

In Barcelona, Avenida Diagonal and its surroundings are one of the most attractive points for entrepreneurs, and Colonial has several buildings in this main Avenue and in Travessera de Gracia. Also in the city, there are new business areas such as the 22 @ district, where Colonial has also invested in favour of tenants who are looking for less conventional but equally consolidated business areas, and where they are betting on the technology.

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