86d Velázquez: a breakthrough in experiential architecture

Located in one of the most exclusive streets in Madrid, in the heart of the Salamanca district, 86d Velázquez is a building that has been designed to be lived in.

Connected to the city, it is located in a strategic place where the most exclusive services can be found and at the same time it is close to the main accesses of the city, with a great variety of public transport connections.

The 7-storey, 16,815 m2 building has been created to provide high-quality experiences, to enjoy its open, dynamic and flexible spaces and above all, to guarantee the user's well-being.

New office category: Prime Executive

86d Velázquez is based on the "Human Centric" model. It is made up entirely of spaces that aim to promote the well-being of people. This philosophy has led to the creation of a new category of offices: Prime Executive. The perfect combination of well-being, innovative design and elegance.

This new concept is based on how the interior of the building will be constructed: all those workplaces that the users inhabit on a daily basis.  These spaces are extremely bright and spacious, and also have the capacity to be customizable. Each corner invites you to share, connect, talk about projects or simply disconnect for a few minutes in a cosy and relaxed atmosphere.

In order to get to know this premium building, 86d Velázquez offers its own virtual tour where you can see in detail all its facilities - the lobby, its interior garden, the office floor and its impressive terrace - creating an authentic online sensory experience.

Proof of efficiency and sustainability

86d Velázquez has LEED platinum certification because it is a sustainable building, with energy efficiency and renewable energy, water protection and efficiency.

On the other hand, it has also received the WELL certification, as a result of having worked in depth on the creation of a space in which the user's wellbeing is everything.

In short, this new building has been designed to be more than just a place to work. We encourage you to discover the video presentation of the building and to stay tuned to our social networks to find out more.

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