Portfolio París

83 Marceau

Triangle d'Or | Prime CBD | 83 Marceau | Total surface above grade: 8.500 m²


“An unparalleled view of the Arc de Triomphe”. This six-storey property in a prime location just off the Place de l’Etoile boasts an interior courtyard and terraces offering exceptional views of the Arc de Triomphe. The site’s uniqueness is augmented by three street-facing façades, affording it a rare degree of visibility.

With its highly-functional, flexible units of around 1,200 square metres, the Iéna building has it all. The lease with Générale de Santé on 3,567 was renewed in 2009.

Main tenants: 

Générale de Santé

General characteristics

Total surface above grade

8.500 m²

Floors above ground level



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